

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving: an anorexic's favorite holiday

Maybe today would be an appropriate time to give thanks to those who have helped so much.

So, first off...

Thank you for putting things in perspective for me when he had twisted my thinking so much. And thanks for being tough on me and allowing me to see the insensibility of my actions.

Thank you for trying to ignore the problem when it seemed as though I needed you the most. You knew coddling my "disease" would have only made things worse.

Thanks for letting me cry and forcing me to look deep inside Megan and know the difference between her thinking and his. And for defending me against those who don't and shouldn't understand. Thanks for letting me feel halfway normal and for knowing how to handle people like me.

Thank you for introducing me to food again, in a friendly way of course. And for reteaching me how to treat myself. Thanks for allowing me to see myself as more than a number on a scale.

Thank you for being as crazy as I am at times and understanding that life never turns out the way we wish it would. Thank you for laughing and making me feel comfortable with my flaws and reassuring me that I can overcome them even if I don't believe that I can. And for always having advice even if I only wanted to listen to him.

Thank you for loving me. And for not giving up on me. And for getting angry with me when I wasn't being rational. Thanks for countering him and telling me I'm beautiful and perfect. Thanks for reminding me that I'm more than just a body, fat or skinny; that there are so many other things to love about me.

Thanks for taking his abuse so gracefully. And for continuing to do what is necessary, for not listening to him anymore. And thank you so much for forgiving me. Thank you for being strong when I was not.

And finally, thank you for turning me into this so I can find the strength to fight it and become a better person in the end.

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